توصيف مقررات الدراسات العليا بقسم الجيولوجيا البنائية والإستشعار عن بعد


توصيف مقررات الماجستير



Course Title

Course Code



Advanced structural geology

ESR 601

The style, geometry, kinematics, and timing of deformation of macro-, meso-, and microscale structures. The fundamental kinds of contact relationships: contact of deposition, faulting, intrusion and ductile shearing. Primary structures of igneous and sedimentary origin. The description, classification and interpretation of chief kinds of secondary structures: faults, joints, folds, cleavage, foliation, lineation and shear zones. The mechanism and strain significance of structures. Rheology of rocks in elastic, plastic and brittle deformation. Tectonic analysis of regional geologic structures.

Course Description




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Course Code



Advanced field training

ESR 602

The course will emphasize on observation and recording of geologic features, basic techniques of geologic mapping, three-dimensional interpretation of map units and geologic structures, and deduction of geologic history and tectonic setting. Although the course is foremost a field geology, it may include other exercises designed to complement field work, such as petrographical studies of different rock varieties encountered in the study area, and application of remote sensing and GIS in conducting final geologic maps.


Course Description




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Course Code




ESR 603

This course covers fundamental concepts and approaches of remote sensing, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), geographical information systems (GIS), map design and interpretation, and basic computer cartography. Stages of mapping and verification of the interpreted geologic features with those observed and measured in the field. Relationship between land information and the types of maps and the projection of this information on different layers. The course utilizes the using of DEM in geoinformatics.


Course Description





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Course Code



Structural analysis

ESR 604

The course will cover the fundamentals of structural analysis including geometric, kinematic and dynamic analytical techniques. Temporal and spatial relationships of geologic structures, fault movement analysis, structural sequences of tectonic events and meso- scale structures will also be addressed. Field and office techniques used in measuring and describing geological structures. Student will be acquanted on using update softwares in analyzing both plastic and brittle fabrics, as well as the stress/strain relationship. Methods of stress and strain analyses. Ductile deformation and progressive deformation in pure and simple shear zones.


Course Description




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Course Code



Applied structural geology

ESR 605

The course will cover in detail the basic concepts of structural parameters and their engineering impacts. The fundamentals of geologic applications in the field of civil engineering problems, land-use planning and geo-hazards assessment will also be covered. Roles of structural elements on the hydrocarbon migration and entrapments as well as the ore accumulations. Neotectonics and earthquake activities.


Course Description




Course Title

Course Code



Tectonics of the Arabian Shield

ESR 606

Selected topics on the structural framework and tectonic evolution of the Arabian Shield with special emphasize on terrain analysis, sutures, tectonic elements and shear zones. Basis of tectonic classifications of the different terranes and their tectonic contacts. Relationship between the opening of the Red Sea rift and the volcanic activities on the shield. Different tectonic theories that describe the evolution of the shield.


Course Description





Course Title

Course Code

ESR 601



ESR 620

Microstructural analysis and interpretation of highly deformed and metamorphosed rocks and shear zones. The relation between the history of crystallization, metamorphism and deformation. Synthesis of the sequence of deformation based on the study of rock fabrics in thin section. The integration of micro- and meso-scale structures to complement larger scale structures.


Course Description




Course Title

Course Code

ESR 603


Applications of geoinformatics

ESR 621

Application of advanced techniques, like remote sensing (RS), global positioning systems (GPS), photogrammetry, and geographic information systems (GIS) are used to provide authentic and accurate geo-spatial information on earth surface features and geological and environmental processes involved. GIS layering and the different maps, based on the purposes of mapping and land information.

Course Description




Course Title

Course Code



Plate tectonics and natural resources

ESR 622

Different tectonic settings and the structural provinces of each. The nature, occurrence and extraction of earth natural resources and their relationships to the plate tectonic settings. The processes that have shaped the earth crust and control the distribution of its natural resources. Examples for ore accumulation related to different tectonic settings of the Arabian Shield.


Course Description






Course Title

Course Code



Special studies in structural geology and remote sensing

ESR 623

An integrated course offered to students from other departments to comprehends the basic concepts of structural geology and remote sensing. The course outlines is to be planned according to the requirements of the students, particularly from the other departments on the basis of student concerns and research interests.


Course Description




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ESR 695

In this course a topic on structural geology, remote sensing or GIS will be selected by the student under the supervision of a faculty member. Logic and critical analyses of this topic should end by a scientific writing report. Student covers this topic from different sources and presents the results for discussion.


Course Description




Course Title

Course Code

24 units from courses part



ESR 700

ESR 700 is second part of the M. Sc. program. M.Sc. should present rigorous and original subject(s). The student must write his M. Sc. Thesis on the basis of the Thesis Writing up Guide for KAU, follow the scientific methods for achieving his research, prepare his thesis to cover the research aims and review the publications, and present and then discuss the results to provide the recommendations.


Course Description



توصيف مقررات الدكتوراه



Course Title

Course Code

Dept. approval


Directed individual study (I) in structural geology

ESR 701

ESR 701 is a department compulsory course in the Ph. D. program, where the student must read and understand about selected structural topics based on his Ph. D. subject and proposals. These topics must cover structural geology points that can be studied in office and/or in field, with a great emphasis on the improvement of the student knowledges and skills.

Course Description




Course Title

Course Code

Dept. approval


Directed individual study (II) in remote sensing and GIS

ESR 702

ESR 702 is a department compulsory course in the Ph. D. program. The student must read and understand the applications of remote sensing and GIS in different Earth-science fields, with a great emphasis on the fields that are more related to his Ph.D. subject and proposal. Remote and GIS applications should cover the student requirements in the field mapping of an area.


Course Description




Course Title

Course Code

Dept. approval


Directed individual study (III) in tectonics

ESR 703

ESR 703 is a department compulsory course in the Ph. D. program, where the student must read and understand about geotectonic sciences with a great emphasis on the tectonics of Arabian shield or the tectonic regimes related to his Thesis subject. These topics should extend to relate the local structural elements and fabrics with the regional tectonic regime.


Course Description






Course Title

Course Code

Dept. approval


Advanced Geoinformatics

ESR 720

ESR 720 is a department elective course in the Ph. D. program. The student should cover the latest studies and skills in techniques like, remote sensing (RS), global positioning systems (GPS), photogrammetry, DEM, and geographic information systems (GIS) and their applications in the field of geology. A great emphasis should exert to improve the student skills and knowledge, based on his result in ESR 702.

Course Description




Course Title

Course Code

Dept. approval


Advanced structural analysis

ESR 721

ESR 721 is a department elective course in the Ph. D. program. The student covers the multiple deformation, types of structural domains and problems, components of structural analysis, deformation analysis (understanding the processes), fabric analysis, geometrical analysis, understanding the structural processes, the connection between physical flow (kinematics) and deformation processes that produce the structures and fabrics in shear zones and metamorphic belts, characterizing and using strain (and flow) in real rocks, Rock mechanics and failures under different differential stresses and failure envolpes, techniques for analyzing the geometry of complex structures, interpreting shear zone fabrics: low strain and high strain shear zones; low-T; moderate-T and high-T shear zones, working in non-plane strain shear zones, transpression and transtension, and using structural analysis softwares

Course Description




Course Title

Course Code

Dept. approval


Advanced mapping techniques

ESR 722

ESR 722 is a department elective course in the Ph. D. program. The student covers the following traditional detailed and regional mapping methods and field measurements, different map projections and coordinate systems, uses and limitations of DEM data in DEM models and geologic mapping, application of remote sensing and GIS techniques and geo-databases in geological mapping (lab), field description of the sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks, field data recording and description of outcrops in sketch and field notebook, mapping the highly deformed structures and composite rock units, construction of cross-sections and 3D illustrations, geological mapping of a structurally complex area, and balanced cross sections. At least 6 days field work, associated with a weekly 1-hour instructional and advisement meeting designed to provide extensive practice in writing and illustrating geologic reports and analysis of field data.


Course Description





Course Title

Course Code

Dept. approval


Advanced microtectonics

ESR 723

ESR 723 is a department elective course in the Ph. D. program. The student covers frameworks of microtectonics, foliations, lineations, lattice preferred orientations, deformation at microscale, deformation mechanisms, sense of shearing, porphyroplasts and reaction rims, advanced techniques in grain shape analysis, and samples and thin sections


Course Description




Course Title

Course Code

Dept. approval



ESR 724

ESR 724 is a department elective course in the Ph. D. program. The student cover fractures mechanics and analysis, tectonic geomorphology (uplifts and erosion, Quaternary profiles, surface evolution), active tectonic boundaries and related neotectonics, concepts of neotectonics investigations, site investigations (GIS mapping, trenching, soli profiles, geophysical tools), seismicity investigations (recent and paleo-seismicity data), geodesy investigations, boreholes investigations (breakout technique), and active tectonics and sedimentations (deltaic tectonics, growth faults, rift subsidence).


Course Description




Course Title

Course Code

Dept. approval


Fracture mechanics

ESR 725

ESR 725 is a department elective course in the Ph. D. program. The student covers fractures detection; characteristics and measurements; fractures mapping on surface and in subsurface; fractures parameters, mechanics, and interpretations; fractures interact, propagation, and geometry; fractures and large-scale structures relationship; fractures netweorks and modeling techniques; fractures evaluation in hydrocarbon and ore accumulations; and advanced techniques in fractures analyses.


Course Description








Course Title

Course Code

Dept. approval


Geodynamics applications

ESR 726

ESR 726 is a department elective course in the Ph. D. program. The student must read and understand about applications of the geodynamics in rift models, orogenic models, basin formation and evolution, earthquake zones, heat flow and geothermal distributions, ore accumulations, hydrocarbon provinces in different tectonic environments, ores and hydrocarbon explorations, and inversion tectonics. A great emphasis should be paid on the field(s) that are more related to his Thesis proposal.


Course Description




Course Title

Course Code

Dept. approval


Special topics in remote sensing

ESR 727

ESR 727 is a department elective course in the Ph. D. program. The student must select a scientific problem in the remote sensing field to be covered by this course with a fairly guidance from his advisor. The student should collect the information about this problem from different sources independently and provide the controversial solving methods by the other investigators as well as his opinion about the solving methods. At the end, the student should present an oral presentation at the department committee to describe the scientific problem and its solving methods.


Course Description




Course Title

Course Code

Dept. approval


Special topics in brittle deformation

ESR 728

ESR 728 is a department elective course in the Ph. D. program. The student must select a scientific problem to be covered by this course with a fairly guidance from his advisor. The student should collect the information about this problem from different sources independently and provide the controversial solving by the other investigators as well as his opinion about the solving methods. At the end, the student should present an oral presentation at the department committee to describe the scientific problem and its solving methods.


Course Description






Course Title

Course Code

Dept. approval


Special topics in ductile deformation

ESR 729

ESR 729 is a department elective course in the Ph. D. program. The student must select a scientific problem to be covered by this course with a fairly guidance from his advisor. The student should collect the information about this problem from different sources independently and provide the controversial solving by the other investigators as well as his opinion about solving methods. At the end, the student should present an oral presentation at the department committee to describe the scientific problem and its solving methods.


Course Description




Course Title

Course Code

Dept. approval



ESR 795

ESR 795 is a department elective course in the Ph. D. program. The student must address and discuss a current research interest in structural geology and related disciplines and/or in remote sensing and GIS applications. At the end, the student should present an oral presentation at the department committee.

Course Description




Course Title

Course Code

30 units from courses part



ESR 800

ESR 800 is second part of the Ph. D. program. Ph.D. should present original and innovation subject(s) that providing considerable sharing in the general knowledges of student. The student must write his Ph. D. Thesis on the basis of the Thesis Writing up Guide for Kau, follow the scientific methods for achieving his research, prepare his thesis to cover the research aims and review the publications, and present and then discuss the results to provide the recommendations.


Course Description


آخر تحديث
10/15/2018 11:43:09 AM